The Book of Abstracts of the event “1st International Online Workshop Sustainable Fisheries and Global Change 2021” edited by the University of Oviedo (ISBN: 978-84-18482-57-1) is published. Sustainable Fishing and Global Change 2021 was an INTERNATIONAL ONLINE WORKSHOP for fishermen, stakeholders, researchers, administrators, teachers, students and citizens concerned about a hot topical issue in a worrying scenario of Global Change.
It was organized by the ARENA Natural Resources Research Group (University of Oviedo), the Asturias Marine Observatory (OMA), the Asturias Institute of Biotechnology (IUBA) and the Oviedo University Foundation and coordinated by Prof. Eva García Vázquez, the Prof. Yaisel J. Borrell, Prof. Eduardo Dopico and Prof. Gonzalo Machado-Schiaffino and organized by Alba Ardura and María Trinidad Pérez (University of Oviedo).
The event was sponsored by three research projects: Ecosifood, Global Merluza and Ecomarine and also by two International Master Programs : The Master’s Degree in Marine Conservation at the University of Oviedo and the Erasmus Mundus Program in Marine Biological Resources.